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MOTM / Trop Rock Music Schedule

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MOTM 2019 Schedule

We compiled the master Trop Rock Music Week schedule during Meeting of the Minds / Trop Rock Music Week from 2012-2019.

Due to the weeks involved in creating the schedule through contacting the artists, helping them with multiple discrepancies / double bookings, constant changes, cancellations and additions right up to first day of the event, etc… creating the schedule is simply not cost effective. It’s a free service for all fans, but we were unable to find quality sponsors willing to help offset the cost of the time it takes to create.

Plus, it was disheartening that people would copy it and distribute it, taking away the needed “clicks” to help sustain our website. Other websites are offering calendars now, that better benefit their business. These things took business away from our little website that was created to support artists and fans in the Trop Rock community.

Without the needed support, it’s now time for us to focus on more sustainable content that provides the traffic (clicks) to help cover our costs and we’re excited to focus on more fun articles with a tropical, beach-y lifestyle spin as well as easy recipes and cocktails. We’ll still have new Trop Rock articles, but we will not focus on time consuming projects such as this annual schedule.

Just remember, no matter where you wander on the streets of Key West during Trop Rock Music Week, you’ll find amazing music. Just go with the flow and enjoy a more laid back week on the island!

I love easy recipes and delicious desserts and happy to share with you my favorite recipes. My favorite places are tropical, family always comes first and I'm a cocktail enthusiast for sure!
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